1. Where is Hollywood? (Chapter1: Hollywoodland)

 On September 9, 1850, California became the thirty-first state in the United States of America. (p. 15)

    This book has ten chapters covering how Hollywood was founded and some fun facts about the best known film industry.

    The chapter 1 is about the history that Hollywood was founded and merged with Los Angeles. After gold was discovered in Northern California, a whole host of people around the world came here to make a fortune. However, most of the newcomers settled in the northern part, and there were not many settlers in Southern California. As a matter of fact, the weather there was warm and the sun shone bright day after day, which meant the place was perfect for farming. Because of the Transcontinental Railroad constructed in the 1860s, traveling for distances became much easier. One day, Harvey and his family, who were tired of harsh and snowy winters in Topeka, Kansas, took a train to Los Angeles, and bought acres and acres of land. For some reason, he was sure people would start to search for more space off the beaten track like Southern California. Before long, as he expected, well-off people from the Midwest wanted to build their second house to shun their winters. As a result, he was starting a community. His wife actually had once heard about a beautiful home in Florida, which was called Hollywood. This is how the community was named Hollywood.

Anastasio, Dina. (2019). Where is Hollywood?. New York, NY: Penguin Workshop.

(Illustrated by Tim Foley)


  1. Anastasio, D. (Year). Where is Hollywood? New York, NY: Penguin Workshop.

    1. I cannot use italics in comments. Your italicization is correct.

    2. Thank you! I rewrote the information.


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